I'm so glad you're here!

My name is Amanda - let me introduce myself...

In July 2019, our founder and CEO, Amanda, bought a dance studio two months after turning 18.


That year, Amanda doubled the size of the business and scaled the revenue while implementing systems and automations to grow a robust backend operations playbook.


In 2022, Amanda was able to cut her work time by 80% due to her innovative and organized systems and streamlined operations. 


Throughout her time scaling and systemizing her first business, Amanda got married in June 2021, gave birth to her daughter in July 2022, and had her son in September 2023.


Along the way, Amanda searched for business education, systems, and strategies online to help her grow her business, and this is what she found...


1) Fluffy Christian content that is Biblical and sound, but lacks any deep or result-driven strategies that tangibly make a difference if your goal is to scale a successful business and build a strong company that produces profit and results without needing you 24/7.

2) Very practical and helpful business advice and strategies, but it is all coming from a very worldly and secular perspective that does not 100% align with Biblical values and the priority of faith and family, leaving women to have to sort through all of the advice and make their own resources.

Lacking Depth

Lacking God

Amanda found that there were two main paths in the business education space for Christian women to follow:

Work With Amanda

"I learned so much the hard way, so I became extremely passionate about helping other high-performing Christian businesswomen create Kingdom legacies while scaling their business and being 100% present at home, never sacrificing their faith and family, while driving profit and results within their business."

- Amanda,
Pursuit's founder & ceo